Week 1 Reflection

May 14, 2023 — 11:23 A.M. 

Total Hours: 11

This week has been really productive as far as I'm aware, I talked to Romy and Kailee earlier in the day, and they gave me the rundown on everything they've been doing. This week has been a busy and productive one for Romy and Kailee as they prepare everything for our upcoming hike. They spent a lot of time packing, organizing, and gathering all necessary items, along with replanning the route. They managed to successfully re-waterproof our tent, fix the pump on our whisper lite stove, and complete our first-aid kit. With the help of friends and family, they were able to get everything we needed to ensure we have a safe and successful hike.  

Having finished the first week of Senior Project, where I did pretty much nothing, the anticipation for the actual 'project' we are doing is building. I am beyond excited to actually get out there and hike and be together with my best friends for probably one of the last times ever. We have been talking about this for so long, and the fact that it is all going to come to fruition in the next 72 hours is a little mind-boggling. From trying to work around my having to come to Tennessee to try to figure out backup routes due to the snow, it has been a struggle that will make it all that much more worth it. At the same time, I am also incredibly nervous. As I said in one of my other blog posts, I don't like not being in control of whatever I am doing, and I certainly classify this as being not in control. Though, as I also said, it is good for me. I have noticed that even over the past few days, as I've gotten used to not being able to know every detail, I have found myself a lot calmer than I was in the beginning. I am hoping to continue this trend into the next few weeks of my life, as I know it will be a whirlwind of people, events, and emotions, and I will not have the space to be worrying over every little detail. 

It seems like we've got everything set up, and we'll just have to pack up our bags and then we can leave early Tuesday afternoon. I'm really excited to explore a new part of New Hampshire that I've never seen before because I haven't really been to that area of NH before, aside from just visiting Hanover/Lebanon. Though I do feel bad because they have had to do pretty much everything while I've been helpless in Tennessee, fortunately, the best part is not the planning, and I will be there for the rest of our adventure. I'm excited about where next week takes us!


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