Day 2

 May 9, 2023 — 7:31 P.M. 

Work Period: 12:30 P.M. - 1:00 P.M., 2:30 P.M. - 5:30 P.M. 

Work Hours: 3.5

Total Hours: 8.5

Today we met with Rosanna over lunch to discuss our route, as she has a lot of experience hiking in this region and offered to help us. She gave us a few possible routes as well as a bunch of resources to help us plan and gather information. While we haven't quite nailed down our route, we plan to be somewhere on or near the portion of the Appalachian trail near Hanover, NH, just so we can still sort of be where we originally planned to be.

After lunch, we headed to Bedford, where we browsed a couple of stores to fill the gaps in our grocery list. Whole Foods had the non-refrigerated tofu we needed, Trader Joe’s had nothing we absolutely needed but we still hoped it would, and Sierra pretty much only had fuel cans, so off we went to the Manchester Mall. There, we found EMS. EMS had hiking pants, water purification, and recommendations for where we could find dehydrated vegetables. One of the workers suggested a food co-op so Romy and Kailee will try that another day. Tomorrow, I’m flying to Tennessee so I’m gonna try and do the route on my flight. 

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