Day 6

May 22, 2023 — 11:39 A.M. (For May 15, 2023)

Work Period: 7:30 P.M. - 8:00 P.M. 

Work Hours: .5

Total Hours: 11.5

I flew back from Tennessee this day, so I had little time to do any work. I spent most of the day caring for Edie while everyone was packing the house up, and then we left around noon. However, on my first flight home, I did a little bit of sketching from the photos I had on my camera roll. Since I forgot most of my art supplies at home, earlier in the week, my mom and I bought some notecards and pens for me to draw on. So, my art from this trip is all on note cards, and my art from the hike will also be. In my typical fashion, I drew some flowers, and the flight attendant thought they were really cool, so I got some nice compliments and a couple of questions. She asked how long I'd been drawing, and she was somewhat surprised to find out I was in highschool still. That has been happening more frequently, and it incites a little existential crisis each time because it makes the fact that I'm graduating really real. 

Flick from this day:


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