Day 12

May 22, 2023 — 1:56 P.M.

Work Period: 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 A.M.

Work Hours: 2

Total Hours: 110

After I woke up this morning and showered, ate breakfast, etc.; I began the deissuing process. I was recently informed that deissue is not a word, but I've always used it for what I did this morning–it's basically just unpacking and returning whatever gear was borrowed/used. So I emptied my bag onto my bedroom floor and separated stuff into piles. One pile was things that needed to be washed, like clothes and dishes, the second was group gear, and the third was personal items. Later today, I will head over to Kailee's, and we will return the stuff we borrowed and maybe meet with Lynne. I've also been writing the blogs and my reflection paper, so that is what I've been doing the rest of my day, but that doesn't count toward working hours. My other activity has been grappling with the somewhat horrifying reality that I am graduating in just 6 days when I feel like it should still be freshman year. 

I didn't really think to take any pictures today, but this is what ended up being our route (Red = Day 1, Orange = Day 2, Yellow = Day 3, Green = Day 4, Blue = Day 5):


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