Day 1

May 8, 2023 — 9:06 P.M. 

Work Period: 1:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.

Today’s Hours: 5
Total Hours: 5 

Kailee Skinner, Romy Smith, and myself will be spending our senior project planning and executing a 5-day and 6-night camping trip by ourselves. Originally, we hoped to hike in the Presidential range of the White Mountains on the Appalachian trail, however, for all the rain we've been receiving in Andover, the Whites have been getting snow. So, we are rerouting and hoping to get that nailed down tomorrow after meeting with Rosanna for lunch.

Today, we decided to work at my house because I had most of our pre-collected food. So, once we arrived, we collected all the food and materials we had and took inventory. Then, we wrote out our meal plan and got to work on creating a shopping list, all while jamming out to banging tunes courtesy of a speaker I stole from my brother. After we finished the list, we hopped in Kailee's car and made the long (5-minute) arduous (incredibly easy) journey to Hannaford's. There, we picked up most of the things we needed, like rice, peanut butter, M&M’s, and bagels. However, Hannaford's doesn't have things like non-refrigerated tofu or high-quality freeze-dried vegetables, so tomorrow, we are going to venture to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods in hopes they carry what we need. Once we got back from Hannaford's, we organized the food by meal to make sure we had everything and stored it all away for Romy and Kailee to parcel out while I'm at my brother's graduation.

Flicks from today: 

For context, this is me in a big dry bag.


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